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名前 | 滞在期間 | 所属 |
Rombang Shihonbing | 2016/06 - 2016/11 | Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia |
Prof. A. A. Nugroho | 2016/04 - 2017/03 | Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia |
Yan Pandu Akbar | 2016/01 - 2017/03 | Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia |
Prof. Kamran Behnia | 2015 | CNRS and ESPCI, France |
Prof. Andriy Nevidomskyy | 2015 | Rice University, USA |
Prof. Robert Kuchler | 2015 | Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Germany |
Prof. Tyrel McQueen | 2013/03 | Johns Hopkins University, USA |
Mr. Nugraha Asep | 2013/01 - 2013/02 | Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia |
Prof. A. A. Nugroho | 2013/01 - 2013/02 | Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia |
Dr. Filip RONNING | 2012/11 | Los Alamos National Laboratory, NM, USA |
Prof. Collin BROHOLM | 2012/09 | NIST, Johns Hopkins University, USA |
Prof. Douglas E. MacLaughlin | 2012/09 | UC Riverside, USA |
Mr. Mario Halim | 2011/11 - 2012/01 | Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia |
Prof. A. A. Nugroho | 2011/11 | Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia |
Mr. Mario Halim | 2011/07 - 2011/09 | Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia |
Mr. Jiajia Wen | 2011/06 - 2011/08 | NIST, Johns Hopkins University, USA |
Prof. Collin Broholm | 2011/04 - 2011/07 | NIST, Johns Hopkins University, USA |
Prof. A. A. Nugroho | 2011/02 - 2011/03 | Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia |
Mr. Mario Halim | 2011/02 - 2011/03 | Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia |
Prof. A. A. Nugroho | 2010/09 | Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia |
Prof. Z. Fisk | 2010/08 | UC Irvine, USA |
Dr. Luis. Balicas | 2010/07 | NHMFL, USA |
Prof. Collin Broholm | 2010/05 | NIST, Johns Hopkins University, USA |
Prof. A. A. Nugroho | 2010/04 | Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia |
Dr. Andriy H. Nevidomskyy | 2010/02 | Rutgers University, USA |
Prof. Piers Coleman | 2010/02 | Rutgers University, USA |
Prof. Douglas E. MacLaughlin | 2010/01 - 2010/03 | UC Riverside, USA |
Prof. A. A. Nugroho | 2010/01 | Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia |
Dr. Sergei Zvyagin | 2009/11 | HLD, Dresden, Germany |
Prof. Piers Coleman | 2009/11 | Rutgers University, USA |
Prof. Collin Broholm | 2009/09 | NIST, Johns Hopkins University, USA |
Prof. A. A. Nugroho | 2009/07 - 2009/09 | Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia |
Dr. Luis. Balicas | 2009/04 - 2009/09 | NHMFL, USA |
Prof. Collin Broholm | 2008/11 | NIST, Johns Hopkins University, USA |
Mr. E. C. T. O’Farrell | 2008/10 - 2008/12 | University of Cambridge, UK |
Dr. M. L. Sutherland | 2008/10 | University of Cambridge, UK |
Prof. Cedomir Petrovic | 2008/04 - 2008/06 | Brookhaven National Lab., USA |
Mr. G. Lapertot | 2008/04 | CEA-Grenoble, France |
Prof. Julia Y. Chan | 2008/01 - 2008/03 | Louisiana State University, USA |
Prof. Collin Broholm | 2007/05 | NIST, Johns Hopkins University, USA |
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